Creating Windows NT and Windows 2000 Setup Disks

Creating Windows NT and Windows 2000 Setup Disks

For Windows NT 4.0, perform the following steps:

  1. Start your computer, it can be running MS-DOS, WFW, Windows 95/98 or NT.
  2. Insert the Windows NT installation CD into the drive.
  3. Open a command prompt ( in MS-DOS, WFW or Windows 95/98 or cmd.exe if Windows NT).
  4. Change directories to the i386 folder on the CD-ROM.

    Where “X” is your CD-ROM drive letter.

  5. If you are running NT or Windows 95/98 enter the command:
    X:\i386>winnt32 /ox

    Any other 16 bit operating systems (MS-DOS or WFW) type:

    X:\i386>winnt /ox
  6. You will need 3 formatted floppy disks.

For Windows 2000, perform the following steps:

  1. Start your computer, it can be running MS-DOS, WFW, Windows 95/98 or NT.
  2. Insert the Windows 2000 installation CD into the drive.
  3. Open a command prompt ( in MS-DOS, WFW or Windows 95/98 or cmd.exe if Windows NT).
  4. Change directories to the BOODISK folder on the CD-ROM.

    Where “X” is your CD-ROM drive letter.

  5. Enter the following command and touch enter.
    X:\bootdisk> makeboot a:
  6. You will need 4 formatted floppy disks.

Notice: Windows® 95, Windows® 98, Windows® NT, Windows® 2000 and
Microsoft® Office are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.

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