Creating an Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) for Windows 2000

Creating an Emergency Repair Disk (ERD)

Windows® 2000

An Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) contains information about your computer’s setup and the files that have been installed. Though a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 based computer rarely crashes, it is possible. Be prepared! If you create an ERD after installation of the operating system, Windows 2000 can use the information from the ERD to reinstall or repair the missing or damaged files.

Note: The creation of the ERD is identical on the Windows 2000 Professional, Server, and Advanced Server platforms.

Important: Create a new ERD whenever you make substantial system changes to your computer.

Here’s how you can create an ERD:

1. Click Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and Backup.

2. On the Welcome tab of the Backup window, click the Emergency Repair Disk button.

3. Select the check box to back up the registry.

4. Place a blank, formatted floppy disk into the drive, and click OK.

5. When the ERD has been created, remove the diskette from the drive; label it with the date, time, and computer name; and store it in a safe place.

6. Close the backup program.

SeeUsing the Emergency Repair Disk“.

Notice: Windows® 95, Windows® 98, Windows® NT, Windows® 2000 and
Microsoft® Office are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.

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