The game Destiny 2 has scarce weapons of all time. These weapons are earned by solving all the mysteries and completing quests at each level.
Few of these quests can be tough to unlock in the game. Such situations make it hard for the players to win many essential and exotic weapons. One such quest is “The Whisper,” a challenging level for players to win.
The “Whisper of the Worm” is the ultimate rifle available in “The Whisper” quest. This weapon is one exciting armory that one can not miss having.
Here is a proper guide on how to get this exotic time in the “The Whisper” quest.
Strengthen the Basics

The gameplay Foundation must be solid to win any quest in Destiny 2.
You will be facing callous enemies and playing tricky quests throughout the game. Here, your strategies and shooting skills will be put under test. So, make sure you are finely equipped to face all the challenges.
The next most important thing is to focus on your team. Stronger your team, the higher the rate of winning the game. Along with you, your team must be powerful enough to battle against the massive crowd of enemies.
The next pointer to remember is the timing. Players always concentrate on moving precisely and defeating as many enemies as possible to reach and battle with the boss.
During this battle, one common thing the players forget is the time. There is a 20 minutes timer within which you will have to finish the mission within the given time limit. If you fail to be punctual, then you lose your life which leads to playing the whole mission again from the beginning. To avoid this situation, have an eye on the timer too.
Additionally, in this game, maintaining the light level is essential. If you are a player who is struggling to increase your ranking, then check out
Experts here will help you gain the desired light levels based on your level and character chosen.
The Whisper Mission Guide
As the initial step of the mission, you need to approach the Lost Oasis area (the LO) and start the Taken Blight Public Event. Once you turn it on, move to the northwest side of the LO area and ignore any directions given by the mission.
Since this is a secret hunt, you do not need to follow any automated directions; this is the only way to obtain an exotic weapon. Now you will reach the “Lost secret”;” fight the boss of the Taken Champion so that you will be able to find the gateway on the top area.
Once you find the gateway, ask the fire team leader to open it so that all your team can get it. Once you get in, the whisper mission will be unlocked, and now you can lead your way to win the exotic weapon.
As mentioned before, the game will have a timer set; once you enter in there, it will start ticking. Your aim must be to reach the cavern area by crossing all the obstacles. Here your platforming technique best be precise at its best because you will face various kinds of traps on the way.
Once you pass all the traps successfully, you will find a teleportation sphere jump into the one on the right side. After teleporting, run fast and jump into the broken wall present there.
You will reach the combat area where more enemies will appear. In this combat, you and your team will have to kill all the enemies to get to the bosses. Finally, defeat the bosses, and the Whisper of the Worm rifle is all yours.
This is how to get the exotic weapon from the Whisper mission of Destiny 2!
Take Out The Trash: The Third Chamber

To use a long-range and powerful weapon, you will require a lot of energy that is present in the form of a solar-based weapon. Additionally, if you have an exotic scout, your chances of winning are even better. If you use the Legend of Acrius or any other shotgun early on, it’s possible that a longer-range weapon may quickly surpass it in power.
It’s important to pay special attention to the Goblins that are present in the 1st chamber, since they may be quite dangerous. You will notice an orb appearing on the vehicle’s rear door after all enemies have been killed. It’s time to get rid of that orb as well.
Despite the fact that the next room is rather full, this one is sparsely populated. You can try using some power ammunition or grenades to kill your opponents in this region of the battlefield.
However, in terms of difficulty, this chamber is by far the most challenging. To prevent unauthorized entry, the room’s backside is manned by a slew of captured foes: three hobgoblins, three knights, and three wizards. The category includes a few Acolytes also. Each area of skill should be assigned to a distinct individual.
Before moving on to the last zone, ensure that all of the components in the room have been killed. During this period, you will have to deal with a swarm of Taken hobgoblins and thrall. Scouts need to clear the area and get rid of the Blight that’s been obscuring the hole in the ground. Also, your height will get reduced here.
The arena’s activities come to a close here. As a starting point, take out all Blights. However, make sure not to take out except for that one in the far rear, the one present in the back end of the chamber, where the bosses are afloat.
There are Centurions all throughout the area, so you will have to deal with them as well. Using Acrius now might be a nice idea if you have it. Arcstrider may also be quite useful in this situation. Immediately after the defeat of the Centurions, the arena will be overrun by monsters and ads.
Stay close to your initial fall location near the rear of the chamber. Take out the bosses one by one. You can use snipers and scout rifles. Generally, you should be able to do this in a reasonable period of time. You will get the special sniper rifle for finishing your mission and killing all three creatures.
We hope this article helped you understand the gameplay to be followed in this popular game in order to win here.