It’s a well-known fact that mastering mathematics can be difficult for some. Whether you’re struggling in elementary school or taking on the challenge of college-level mathematics, fortunately, there are many learning strategies available to help you succeed.
To help you out, here are some learning strategies you can apply to improve your math skills.
Table of Contents
1. Search for Examples of Math Problems And Their Answers
A great way to learn math is to find examples of problems similar to the ones you’re doing in class. If there’s a problem your teacher hasn’t covered yet, why not try googling it? You’ll be able to see how others have solved those types of problems, and hopefully, that can help you figure out a solution, as well.
One topic you might have come across is the coordinate plane quadrants. If you aren’t familiar with it, each quadrant has two coordinates–an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate. To remember what they are, think about how you go up and down your number line from 0 to 100. For more details check
2. Conceptualize A Story For Word Problems

Word problems are often challenging topics for students. Thus, one way to learn how to solve them is by coming up with a story that involves the same operation or equation in the word problem and then applying what you know about solving it.
For example, you’re working on a word problem about finding the total cost of ordering two pizzas, one of which is priced at $14.00 and the other being $18.00. What you can do next is to consider it as a story where someone ordered two things at different prices to see how much they spent.
3. Use Visuals And Diagrams For Abstract Concepts
Another strategy that can help people learn math better and make their academic life smoother is creating visuals or diagrams. This tip makes abstract concepts more concrete, like drawing out geometric shapes on paper so they’re easily recognizable when solving problems.
For example, when studying the concepts of area and perimeters, you may want to draw the given shape and assign the required values. Then, you may use this visual with the given formula to solve the problem. This strategy can help you learn at your own pace. As a result, you may achieve greater success in math-related fields, like engineering or architecture.
4. Find A Quiet Place For Studying
It’s challenging to concentrate when there are so many things competing for your attention. Find a quiet place to study and do your work, especially if you struggle with anxiety or learning disabilities. This can be as simple as shutting yourself in your room for part of the day and turning off any noisemakers, like an alarm clock, radio, and others.
Studying in a quiet place may also help you stay focused for the duration of your math lesson or task. Additionally, leave your devices in another room and do everything you can to keep yourself from glancing at social media, texting friends, and others.
5. Ask Questions In Class
The best way to get the most out of a math lesson is to stay engaged in what the teacher is saying. What questions do they ask and why? This will help you understand when something seems complex, bothersome, or confusing.
It’s also helpful for teachers to know students are listening and not daydreaming about being somewhere else. You never know, you might be the student who asked for clarification when everyone else was lost.
6. Consider Studying Differently
If you’re struggling with math or just not sure how to study it yourself, consider using a different studying strategy that worked well in other subjects for you. For instance:
- Study physics and calculus together in one sitting.
- Tackle geometry problems from the early days of your math class in place of studying for a test on other topics, like probability and statistics.
- Read about pi to get familiar with what it means before you have to calculate area or circumference during an exam.
- Use formulas to help you understand concepts that you may not have thought about before.
You can also work with someone when doing an assignment as if working on a team. By coming up and trying different ways to study mathematics, you may improve your skills for the subject matter.
7. Practice With Multiple Questions
To improve your math skills, another tip you can try is to practice different types of questions, likes those found on tests or homework assignments. Go above and beyond to find more questions on the subject.
This strategy is consistent with the power of repetition. The key is to keep practicing until you have mastered a concept or tool. If something doesn’t work, try another method because there are always multiple ways of approaching something and figuring out how it works best for you.
8. Use Technology To Keep Up With the Math World

Technology is becoming increasingly important in our society, so students must learn how to effectively use technology from an early age or even when taking math classes. For instance:
- Learn about and install new software packages on your computer or mobile device.
- Use a word processor or spreadsheet to calculate and work on math problems.
- Read the news and find articles about technology-related issues in math.
9. Learn More Vocabulary Words, Definitions, And Notations
One thing that seems to be often forgotten in schools is vocabulary. This observation seems to apply best in math subjects, where students usually think that the subject is all about computation. However, the truth may be far from that.
Vocabulary and comprehension are two of the most important aspects of math. A student may have many computational skills but not excel at understanding problems and their solutions because they lack vocabulary knowledge. Many believe that this is what causes students to fail exams or tests.
Since math is best learned by doing problems of all types–from basic computations to more complicated ones involving algebraic expressions and equations–it’s crucial to work on the strategies for solving them, as well as building vocabulary to understand math problems.
10. Get Creative With Your Flashcards
If your teacher wants you to memorize certain types of equations, create flashcards for them so it’s easier in case there’s a quiz. Although flashcards may be one of the most well-known ways to memorize math manipulations, they can be further improved so they can be effective for your needs.
For one, instead of retyping all your notes from class onto flashcards, try using apps to randomize the cards and allow quiz review sessions. This way, it won’t get too repetitive. You may also put the cards in order–from simple to complex. You can also create stacks of flashcards based on what type of problem you’re trying to learn how to solve–addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or a combination of all these operations.
Key Takeaways
If you need extra assistance with understanding the material or want to learn how to study for it better, why not try these tips today? Remember, no matter what stage of life you’re at, you never stop learning new things!