So you’re setting off on a big adventure? First of all, congratulations, the next few months, or even years, are certain to alter your life in some way. Many people embark on a long term travel plan and come back having found their calling in life, their spiritual side, a brand new career, or even their husband or wife. Deciding you’re going to make the journey is by far the hardest part and there’s a lot of joy to come in executing the planning of your trip away. Whichever stage of planning you’re at, these tips from experienced long-term travelers should prove helpful in ensuring that your time spent away is as full of joy as possible.
1. Find A Country You’re Compatible With

The first thing anybody should do when planning a lengthy adventure, is to work out where they want to go. Perhaps you’ve always fancied seeing the Northern Lights or going dog sledding, it might sound like a wintry adventure in Norway or Iceland is the trip for you, but actually, when you really think about it, you hate the cold. Planning a long-term adventure is different to planning a week away somewhere. For a week, being in a cold country and getting to do a couple of the activities you enjoy would be great fun, but for a year? You might start to struggle. Be realistic about the things that you can and can’t live with, if you struggle in the cold, don’t book yourself a year in a cold country. It might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t even consider these things.
Another big consideration to make when deciding on your destination is if you speak the language. Whilst in most countries English is spoken in some form or another, in remote locations it’s totally normal for people not to speak English. When you’re considering long term travel it’s often a good idea to be able to speak the native language of wherever you’re traveling to. You don’t need to learn fluent Mandarin to spend those 6 months in China, but having a good number of key phrases at your disposal will help you time and time again.
2. Prepare For Time Alone

If you’re planning a solo adventure then this piece of advice goes without saying and at we’ve written a whole article on tips for solo travelers. However, even those of us who are planning to travel with friends, or a partner, will find ourselves spending time alone. When you’re visiting a country that is totally foreign to you then you won’t have all of your social group there to hang out with all the time. Even the best travel buddies need a bit of time to themselves every now and again. So, when the time comes that you decide you want to spend a day doing your own thing, be prepared for it. Make yourself a list of things that you’d like to do in the country that you’re visiting and save some of them just for yourself. That way, whether it’s an argument, a need for some space, or just part of the plan to spend time on your own, you’ll be ready for it.
As well as making sure you’ve got plenty to do, it’s also even more important than normal to take care of your safety when you’re alone. Keeping your ID with you at all times seems obvious, but many people get caught out. Keeping documentation with you in towns is easy, but at the beach, or when you’re hiking it can be a little harder. Waterproof pouches that can clip on to your clothing are incredibly cheap and so, so useful, have made a whole run down of what’s available.
Don’t be tempted to bury your documents, money, or phone in the sand and lay your towel on top of them. Get yourself a quality plastic pouch and take them everywhere with you. Probably, nobody would steal them, but if they did, you’d waste an awful lot of quality exploring time working out how to get them back.
3. Factor in Travel Time

Plenty of people choose not to spend all of their time in one place. It’s great having the time and flexibility in your schedule to hop around the country and see all of the different places that you’d hoped to. This is a great way to travel, but it involves a lot of, well, traveling! Whether you’re flying from place to place, taking the train, or even backpacking on foot, travel time is an element of the adventure that many people don’t take into account. If you know you’re an avid gamer then having an arsenal of games to play on the train will ensure your holiday doesn’t start to feel like a slog. It’s also worthwhile remembering that depending on the kind of games you like, some of them may or may not be legal in your country of travel. If you’re traveling to India for example, have collated all of the legal information on using casinos and sports betting whilst in India.
They’ve also included information on the bonuses that are available, so even though you’re not in your home country, you can still get a good deal. Although in the United States this kind of thing is very simple, in parts of Asia it can be sensible to use a dedicated provider, just to keep yourself safe. Once you’ve found the sites that you can trust, your train journeys will speed past!
If you’re not a gamer, then your job requires a little more imagination, but it’s by no means impossible. Having a really good book on the go is brilliant for those long journeys. Choose a title that is set in the country you’re visiting, or relates to one of the important events of its past. If you’re a quick reader then investing in a Kindle or similar is a good way to make sure that your entire suitcase isn’t filled with books alone. Finally, sometimes being on the road inspires people not just to read, but also to write. Keeping a journal of your adventure is a really productive way to spend travel time. Keep ticket stubs from your trips, bottle caps from memorable meals and any bits of ephemera that will remind you of your journey. Not only will it keep you busy in the quiet moments, but you’ll treasure it for years to come.