Reviewing and Editing Your Guest Book

Many Web sites include a guest book, and visitors are asked to sign it when they visit the site. If you choose the guest book option when you create your home page, or add the guest book option to your home page later, a link to your guest book appears …

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Viewing a Database in a Browser

Using a database to collect information left by visitors is a safe and simple way to make your Web site more useful. Once information is entered in a database, you can either open the database in the application in which it was originally created, or you can use a Web …

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Viewing Site Performance in Personal Web Server 4.0

Active connections specifies how many connections are currently in use transferring data. Started at lists the date and time the server was last started. Visitors is the number of unique addresses that have connected to the server since the server was last started. Note   If the same person visits the site …

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Microsoft's Message Queue Server Release Notes

Microsoft Message Queue Server 1.0 Release Notes Welcome to Microsoft® Message Queue Server (MSMQ) version 1.0 for Windows® 98. This document supplements the MSMQ documentation. This document includes: Latest MSMQ Information Additional Documentation Known Problems Copyright Information Note    This version of MSMQ differs from the version for Windows NT Server/E (Enterprise Edition). …

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Changing the Default Home Page Name

When you install PWS, a file called Default.htm is created in the Inetpub\Wwwroot folder. This is the file you see if you choose not to create a custom home page following installation. If you use the home page wizard, a new file containing your personal information overwrites the previous file. …

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Setting up Microsoft's Personal Web Server on Your Computer – Part 4

Installation and Setup Version 4.0 Part 5 Some Issues and Hopefully Some Answers: Note: All of the following information can be found in Personal Web Server Help! 1. New Features Contained in Personal Web Server version 4.0 (Click Here to Review) 2. Installation Options and Components Installed for PWS version …

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Setting up Microsoft's Personal Web Server on Your Computer – Part 4

Installation and Setup Version 4.0 Part 4 This is a picture of what the left side of your Personal Web Server window should look like. Main: By clicking on the Main icon while in any other area of the Personal Web Server will return you to the Main PWS window. …

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Do You Have The Power?

Do You Have the Power? Better yet, does your computer or small server have the power? Were you aware of the fact that studies completed by both IBM and the Strategic Research Corporation show that 28% of all failures and downtime are caused by power related problems! Amazing isn’t it, …

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Keeping Your Cool! It’s a known fact that heat causes stress, and in humans, heat can sometimes cause angry flare ups. Although we’re not referring to humans here when we address cooling issues, computers aren’t too unlike human beings. Uncontrolled heat does cause all types of problems to occur with …

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Cases, Cabinets and Enclosures

Cases, Cabinets and Enclosures Computer cases come in many types and styles, some are pretty and functional, while others are just pretty ugly. The question isn’t whether your computer’s case is pretty or not, as beauty is only skin deep even with computers. The real question is whether or not …

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Sahifa Theme License is not validated, Go to the theme options page to validate the license, You need a single license for each domain name.