Managing Windows

Managing Windows ® 95, 98, ME and NT (including the Registry) Scattered throughout the Internet you will find numerous examples of changes and “tweaks” that you can make to the Microsoft Windows® Operating System and to the Windows® registry specifically to enhance its usability, make repairs, alter its functionality and …

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Tweakui for Windows NT

Tweak UI for Windows NT (and Windows 95) There are differences between the versions of Tweak UI, beyond that of the differences between Tweak UI for Windows 95 and Windows 98. It wasn’t until we decided to do our own research as to the differences between Tweak UI versions, that …

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System BIOS and Drive Related Questions and Answers

System BIOS and Hard Drive Related Questions and Answers Subject: BIOS Summary: This is a general discussion of the most commonly asked questions about the system BIOS and its relationship to hard drives. The following will provide you with basic information beginning with the definition of a BIOS, to identifying …

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Long File Names

Long File Names If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! With the release of Windows® 95, users were released from the bonds of the standard eight character file name and three character file extension for file naming conventions that …

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DDR vs. Dual Channel RDRAM

DDR vs. Dual Channel RDRAM If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Updated 7/01/01 A little more than a year ago, we joined a number of other testing facilities and began comparing the performance of an Intel OR840 Chipset …

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Welcome to our  Computer and Components Shop Here you should be able to find nearly anything you need to build or repair a computer or server, and if we don’t have it, we’ll find it! Unlike most retailers, we’re not interested in selling every possible product available, and we have …

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Operating Systems and File Systems Unix and Linux

Operating Systems and their File Systems If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! UNIX and LINUX UNIX is one of the oldest operating systems in the world of computing, and widely used even today. Many people consider UNIX arcane …

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Is Your Memory Module Really PC100 Compliant?

Is your Memory Module PC-100 Really Compliant ? Memory prices are at their all time low, and the price swings appear to be settling down again. Common sense tells us that if all the memory modules of a specific type are created equal, then their pricing from one retailer should …

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Operating Systems and File Systems Windows® NT

Operating Systems and their File Systems If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left click here! Windows NT All of the operating systems that we have mentioned thus far, with the exception of IBM’s DOS, are (or were) evolutionary enhancements dating back …

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Using Diagnostic Software to Detect or Confirm Memory Problems

Using Diagnostic Software to Detect or Confirm Memory Problems Before diving into any diagnostic software, you should have a reasonably good idea of what is all about, what it can do and what it can’t do. Using a software based memory diagnostic is not, by any means, a substitute for …

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