Safe Mode

Safe Mode Starts Windows 2000 using only basic files and drivers (mouse, except serial mice; monitor; keyboard; mass storage; base video; default system services; and no network connections). If your computer does not start successfully using safe mode, you may need to use the Emergency Repair Disk created by the Backup …

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Nbtstat This diagnostic command displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP). This command is available only if the TCP/IP protocol has been installed. nbtstat [-a remotename] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n] [-R] [-r] [-S] [-s] [interval] Parameters -a remotename Lists the remote computer’s name table …

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Windows 2000 Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions! Many times we are asked questions about the setup, use and manipulation of Windows NT Work Station and Windows NT Server. With the release of Windows 2000, the questions have intensified greatly. These questions often range from simple installation issues through to specific setup and use issues …

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Windows 2000 and (ICS) Internet Connection Sharing

Windows 2000 and ICS If you have a small network in your home or small business and need to connect it to the Internet you may have already realized what it will cost to purchase expensive equipment such as routers and servers along with proxy and firewall software in order …

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Windows 2000 Service Pack 2

Windows® 2000 List of Bugs Fixed in Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 Microsoft Windows 2000 SP1 Advanced Server Microsoft Windows 2000 SP1 Professional Microsoft Windows 2000 SP1 Server Download from our server SUMMARY This is a categorized listing of Microsoft Knowledge Base article numbers for bugs that were fixed in …

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Ten Tune-Up Tips for Windows 94 Performance

Ten Tune-up Tips For Windows 94 Performance Tip 10. Defragging your Hard Drive and the Windows Swap File. We are often asked the same questions time and again, “A friend said I should defragment my hard drive, can you tell me what that means?” In this Tip, we will explain …

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Mandatory Requirements to Enable Ultra-ATA

Ultra ATA/33, Ultra ATA/66, or Ultra ATA/100 compatible chipset or host adapter. There must be an Ultra ATA/33, Ultra ATA/66, or Ultra ATA-100 compatible chipset on your system motherboard or an Ultra ATA/33, ATA/66, or ATA/100 PCI host adapter card (for legacy systems) must be installed. In the case where …

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Reviewing Microsoft's Windows Millennium Edition

Closing our review of Microsoft’s Windows Millennium Edition.. Let’s spend some time with the improvements Microsoft has made to the Multimedia Experience found in Windows ME and the new Digital Tools… Given the leaps companies like RealNetworks have been making recently with personal digital media, its no surprise that Microsoft …

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Ten Tune-Up Tips for Windows 98 Performance

Ten Tune-up Tips For Windows 98 Performance Tip 8. Cleaning Up Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (and Netscape too!). If you’ve been performing regular maintenance on your Windows 98 installation and are sitting there still wondering where all that hard drive space is going, maybe this next tip will make some sense. …

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Ten Tune-Up Tips for Windows 98 Performance

Ten Tune-up Tips For Windows 98 Performance Tip 7. Taking Out The Trash. Windows 98 is truly an amazing operating system. It does, however, tend to be somewhat of a packrat in that it tends to accumulate trash in the form of old files, records of deleted files, temporary files …

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