When you decide to take a cat as a pet and let it live with you all the time, the first thing you have to think about is their toilet. Keep in mind that the cats want something that reminds them of soil and sand, so they can dig up a hole, do their “thing” and then cover it completely. This behavior is developed during the evolution, because of their urge to cover the traces, so they won’t be tracked by the predators. Even though the domestic cats don’t need to cover anything, because they aren’t really in danger, their natural instinct is requiring litter, so they can at least feel like they are in their natural habitat while they “do their stuff”.
When you visit a pet shop, you will see a lot of different types of litter, and it will look like the usual sand and granules, but the thing is that it prevents odors and make a really comfortable environment for your pet. All the cat lovers want the best for their kitty, including space where they will be able to complete the biological processes after they digest the food. And since we are talking about this topic, you can check mainecoonhawaii.com to see some great products of non-tracking litter, because it is completely comfortable for your cat, hypo-allergenic, and odor-controlling. There are plenty of clay litters that also work great, and you can easily scoop the clumps from the litterbox, but if you are looking for a more practical solution, then you can research this topic deeply, or consult with your vet which type is the best. In general, when we talk about price and quality rate, most of the cat owners decide to use crystal type of litter, combined with clay.
For the cat, it really doesn’t matter what type you are using, and it’s more about the owner who will have to clean the mess up. As you probably know, in nature they don’t choose if the soil is sandy or clay, and they will anyway go to the toilet at the first place they can dig enough, so they can cover the traces after they are done.
1. Clay litter is the oldest type, and the story behind it is that the clay was nicely absorbing oil and gasoline, so the inventor Edward Lowe tried it on cats, and that was the beginning of his multimillion business. The clay type is the most affordable among the other types, and it can form clumps, that can be scooped nicely, but depending on the quality, this process can be difficult, and it doesn’t cover the smell nice, so you will need to replace it more often than you’ve planned.

2. Silica gel litter is currently the most popular type because it’s still affordable, but at the same time doesn’t cause dust, traps the urine, and controls the odors. Even the cats like it more than the clay types. The same size bag of silica type will last longer than a bag of clay litter, which makes for the price difference. Cleaning and maintaining hygiene is easy to do, and you can choose scented or unscented types for your purring friend.

3. Pine litter is another popular type that absorbs odors, it’s lightweight, causes less dust than clay, and it’s really soft, biodegradable, and eco-friendly. The non-clumping type is similar to pellets, and clumping one is dustier, and it’s less practical since the particles can stick to the paws, and be spread all around the home.

4. Wheat and grain litter have the same properties as the pine type, it’s organic, biodegradable, eco-friendly, and flushable in the toilet. There is no need for added perfumes and colors because it provides a natural aroma that is covering the odors. It easily forms clumps as it degrades while the cate urinates. That makes it easy to clean and maintain, so it will be always clear for the next use.

5. Grass litter is for those who adopt outdoor cats, that still need to recognize the natural alternative to what was outside. It looks like the pine litter too. Since it’s completely natural, even though it’s dried and pressed, it reminds them of their environment outside, and they can easily find it, and use it, without making any mess at home.

6. Paper litter is, as you suppose, made of shredded and recycled paper, turned into granules, and it’s the most compatible choice for the cats that take care of their paws to stay soft and bubbly. It contains no fragrances, it’s cheap, absorbs almost the same as the clay litter, but there is a huge disadvantage – it doesn’t control the odors and can even make it worse, and it’s not for long-term use.

Litters for special needs are for cats that have some health condition. For example, if your pet suffers from asthma, it’s good to use the less dusty product. If your cat is recovering from surgery, you can use the paper type until it’s completely healed, because the dust can easily get in the wound drains. Scented types are the best for the kitties that need help to learn where their toilet is, so the aroma is the best way to associate them with their toilet needs.
And, remember, most of these types are made for the owner to cope better with that. The cat will anyway do their “stuff” even in the plant pot if their instinct tells them it’s safe there. And when it comes to the litterbox, you should put it in a discrete place, because just like humans, cats appreciate their privacy too. Choosing the box is also a challenge because you have to recognize if your pet prefers open or closed type. Anyway, you are lucky to have a cat, because they are easier to be disciplined and trained to properly use their toilet. Some cats have that since the moment they are born, and every owner can claim they are really responsible and well-trained since the earliest age.